Another fine S.H. tale from Mr. Copland Once again C.S.C. has blessed us with a quality pastiche. I know a review is subject to taste. We, that is you and i, dear reader of my excellent review, can have the exact same meal at the same restaurant side by side and your response is “yummy” and mine “yucky” so…..
That being said this is not the first time I have enjoyed the fine cuisine at Cafe Copland.
I have read every Sherlock Holmes story available from Mr. Copland.
They are all entertaining, at times humorous, well edited, (if you are a frequent reader of e-books you how impressive this is) and entertaining.
They show respect for the original stories by Sir A.C.D. and are written in the Victorian English we expect, with a touch of modernity.
So, if you are looking for new Sherlock Holmes tales, this one, along with all the others by CSC, will not disappoint.
January 29, 2018 Verified Purchase